
My quest in business intelligence goes online

‘Insight Quest’ was chosen as the domain in part due to its alignment with the nature and goal of business intelligence (BI) but also based on my experience relative to the character Louden Swain in the movie Vision Quest (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090270/).

Basically Louden is an idealist (maybe a bit of a dreamer) that sets a goal for himself that others advise to be foolhardy, unrealistic, and even egotistical. Though tempted to succumb to the grueling sacrifices required to achieve his goal and all the dissenting voices he overcomes his self-doubts and perseveres.

Anyway, it’s been quite a journey in a fairly short period of time and since I’ve benefited from so many others in the Microsoft BI community my plan is for this blog (and possibly a Youtube channel) to be a method for contributing to topics and technologies relevant to current business intelligence and data platform programs. I’ll likely split the content between technology (tool evals, design patterns, tips and tricks) and more ‘soft’ topics such as agile development, self-service BI, and general reflections from past projects.

Note: I recall the following track playing when I deployed an SSAS Tabular solution a couple years ago that took quite a bit out of me. 🙂


    1. Thanks Frank! Hopefully visitors will find it useful or at least interesting but if nothing else just preparing the content will help challenge and grow my knowledge.


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